Candidate is a Professional Staffing Agency servicing several major cities through-out North America. We combine traditional search expertise with Internet Technology and standardized skill evaluations. From 10/12/2005 to 10/31/2010 we were members of a worldwide affiliation ( granting us for that time frame access to jobs and candidates in several industries and several continents. Since 2010 we have expanded our reach even further and now have more access to more jobs in every Continent !!! We were founded on the premise that providing complete and comprehensive services to a select number of clients is essential to developing successful business relationships. We are dedicated to building solid working relationships with our candidates and we will continuously strive to find your dream job.

Our corporate culture rewards entrepreneurial spirit and creative thinking, while promoting teamwork and providing for a strong national structure. This structure stabilizes the process with a central coordination of resources, systems and technologies. Our goal is to strive relentlessly to improve what we do and how we do it, to go far beyond “just servicing” the needs of our customers.

When matched with one of’s open jobs you will be offered FREE resume guidance and interview preparation. Our Recruitment Specialists and onsite Career Coaches offer the following services:

  • In depth needs analysis to identify interests, strengths, areas of improvements, and values
  • Recommendations on marketing material such as your cover letter, resume format, resume content, and follow up letters
  • Sample Interview questions available for review
  • Behavioral interview preparation
  • Mock interviews conducted
  • Consultation on effective pre-interview research
  • How to dress for success!

We recognize that all candidates are diverse with individual career goals and motivations therefore we service each candidate independently. We are committed to working with you in your search for the right opportunity. We ensure candidates are receiving the most suitable positions by conducting a thorough needs analysis to fully understand your strengths, areas of improvement, likes, dislikes and career goals among other areas. We take the time to create a career plan that will work for you in meeting and exceeding your career goals.